
Vietnamese to English Translation in a Time of War

At TransTrust, we know the importance of accurate Vietnamese to English translation. From important legal documents that can decide the fate of an individual, to news announcements that affect large numbers of people, there have been several points in history where accurate translation has been critical. This is true in Vietnam’s history, where Vietnamese to English translation was used during times of war. 

A recent article in Việt Nam News features an anecdote from George Campbell, former copy-editor at Vietnam News Agency. Campbell arrived in Hà Nội for the first time on 2nd December 1978 to take on the position of an English-language specialist at the Vietnam News Agency working on the daily English news bulletin. 

He recalls,

“The translators had varying English abilities. Part of my role was to give feedback to the translators on the best way to express something in English. This might involve a conversation to discover the intended meaning and avoid ambiguity. The translation of idioms was often a challenge as was the need to get away from the idea that Vietnamese words have precise English equivalents regardless of context.”

These translations were critical during this time, as the news agency was not only responsible for reporting military progress, but more interestingly, on the stories of Cambodians who had been liberated from the Khmer Rouge. They included stories of shocking atrocities. These types of translations not only needed to be accurate, but respectful in conveying their message to English speaking audiences. 

At Transtrust, our team of experts take full responsibility of our Vietnamese translation services when conveying critical and sensitive information. Along with the grammar aspect of translating, our experts are respectful of your information, especially with confidential texts. You can be certain that with TransTrust, your translations are accurate, and will represent your message in the best way to Vietnamese audiences.

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